Author Archives: Tom Bengtson

Chesterton Academy is response to Kelly’s call-to-action

I have been a fan of Matthew Kelly for a few years. In preparation for a book study group I am going to begin leading at my parish next month, I just finished rereading his best-seller “Rediscover Catholicism: A Spiritual … Continue reading

Posted in education | 1,122 Comments

Hire for success

Walter Bond is a former NBA basketball player who speaks to groups about what it takes to succeed on the court and in the office.  When Bond played college ball at the University of Minnesota, he won the most improved … Continue reading

Posted in business | 630 Comments

Note to Minnesota lawmakers: Business-to-business tax proposal should be dropped

As the legislature considers a variety of tax reform options, I urge lawmakers to reject the implementation of a business-to-business sales tax. In his tax reform proposal, Gov. Dayton advocates for a reduction in the state sales tax rate but … Continue reading

Posted in business, government | 594 Comments

Dad shows one person can make a big difference

2012 was a year of many blessings but I will remember is as the year my father passed away on June 7. In December, television typically offers “It’s a Wonderful Life,” a film that means a little bit more to … Continue reading

Posted in Inspiration, memories, reflection | 310 Comments

Micobusiness entrepreneurship is key to job growth

The “micro” end of the small business sector offers valuable opportunity for employment growth; policymakers interested in expanding employment in Minnesota should do everything they can to encourage microbusinesses, also called SOHO (small office/home office) businesses. Use the term “small … Continue reading

Posted in business, government | 132 Comments

Speaker shares leadership message: engage those around you

My professional colleague and friend Rich Chapman delivered an excellent leadership message to a group of managers I recently brought together. Rich is a consultant with an investment banking firm that does a lot of work with churches and non-profit … Continue reading

Posted in business, Inspiration | 6 Comments

Take time to live in the present

One of the things I have always appreciated about privately-held or family-owned businesses is that their management can think long term. They don’t have quite the earnings pressure which managers at publically held firms face. When your stock is widely … Continue reading

Posted in business, reflection | 856 Comments

Amendment to determine who gets to vote on marriage question

The outcome of the Nov. 6 vote won’t stop the debate over the legal definition of marriage in Minnesota. Importantly, however, it will determine which Minnesotans get a meaningful voice in that debate. If the “vote no” side wins, only … Continue reading

Posted in government, State law | 632 Comments

Tax policy clarity would give economy a boost

Planning is essential to good business management, but lately it has become very difficult for most business owners to plan out very far.  I am convinced the inability to plan is preventing many small business owners from expanding. Economic, political … Continue reading

Posted in business, government | 4,458 Comments

Lessons from Steve Jobs

“Steve Jobs,” the biography by Walter Isaacson, is a remarkable treatise on leadership. Quirky and sometimes cruel, Jobs wasn’t much of a manager but he was a tremendous leader. Anyone who runs a business can learn from him. Here’s what … Continue reading

Posted in business | 11 Comments