Category Archives: education

Catechetical studies clarify roadmap for life

I always like graduation season and this year, my wife Susan and I got to participate in one. Along with about 200 other people who made up the Class of St. Gianna Molla, we graduated from the Harry J. Flynn … Continue reading

Posted in education | 18,937 Comments

A simple approach to any endeavor

I want to share something I learned recently in a class I took at a local university. It is the four “R”s for approaching a project. They are: Read, reflect, respond and relax. Let me explain. Read – When you … Continue reading

Posted in business, education, reflection | 666 Comments

Know your strengths

If you work in a small shop like I do, you know you spend most of your time putting out fires – that is, handling day-to-day obligations. It is very difficult for leaders in smaller enterprises to make time for … Continue reading

Posted in business, education | 642 Comments

Chesterton Academy is response to Kelly’s call-to-action

I have been a fan of Matthew Kelly for a few years. In preparation for a book study group I am going to begin leading at my parish next month, I just finished rereading his best-seller “Rediscover Catholicism: A Spiritual … Continue reading

Posted in education | 1,127 Comments

New U of M president makes funding case

I had an opportunity recently to listen to Eric W. Kaler, the new president of the University of Minnesota. About the time I was graduating from the U in the early 1980s with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English … Continue reading

Posted in education | 237 Comments

The best is often home-made

My wife’s birthday is this weekend. The kids will make cards for her and I plan to bake a cake. We could buy those things but we prefer to make them. If you think about the difference between buying something … Continue reading

Posted in education | 441 Comments